
Our services


Equity is the value returned to shareholders if a company's assets are liquidated and debts paid off. It represents residual ownership in a firm or asset after all debts are subtracted.


In this service, we provide 1-3 intraday bullion/commodity calls in MCX per day based on market conditions. If the market is very risky, range-bound, or sideways, there may be fewer calls.


The most popular way to invest in currencies is through forex trading, ETFs, or corporations. Like all investments, currency trading involves risk, especially during volatile economic times.

Mutual fund

A mutual fund pools money from many investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, and short-term debt, creating a portfolio. Investors buy shares in these funds.

Insurance Advisory

Stock Market is one of the most sought-after platforms for investment where millions of investors and traders invest their money to extract profit. We Offer in Best Insurance Advisory Services.


An initial public offering (IPO) is the process where a private corporation offers shares to the public in a new stock issuance, allowing the company to raise capital from public investors.


  • In India, retail investors face a “problem of plenty” when it comes to selecting best Financial Advisor in India. There are several financial companies that offer financial services, especially stock trading aimed at capturing larger pie of India’s growing equity markets. These companies offer several services including advisory and trading platform at affordable prices.
  • Yet, the retail investors search for the online trading company in India – continues unabated. Investors search, in general and retail investors in particular, ends here at Gandharva finchart, which besides being the Best Financial Advisor in India, offers several services to investors at competitive prices. It is among the best Online trading Companies due to the excellent order and trade execution capability provided through online platform. It ensures to bring the very best of the technology, research, access and ease of trading in equity as well as in other investment avenues.
  • In its endurance to serve clients with best options, Gandharva finchart is working tirelessly to enhance online trading platform while committing itself to lowering the cost of investing for its clients. Work is in progress for providing best advisory services and developing tools to help investors achieve their financial goals.
  • Gandharva finchart has also emerged as the best Financial Advisor in India. As we know the Financial Advisor offer a flat brokerage rate for every trade that their client makes, and it does not depend on the size of the trades. However, the Gandharva finchart doesn’t fit in “me too” category, but offers brokerage plans to suit its client as well as matching with the peer group. Topping up its services with best technology support, the client is offered an array of investment products at a click of a button. An investor can choose equity, commodity or currency product that matches with risk investment profile.

Gandharva finchart is the Best Financial Advisor in India with Personalized Services

  • Gandharva finchart has emerged as one of the best Financial Advisor in India for the related services offered, thanks to its innovative and the disruptive strategy that is built on strong technology usage as also ensuring seamless experience to its clients while using the online trading platform.
  • It has built a digital console that guides its client on how to open demat account, making it a less laborious and easy to understand the entire process.
  • Gandharva finchart offers life time annual maintenance charges and also, the possibility of the reversal of brokerage as well as other exclusive benefits. An investor can begin trading within 15 minutes of opening the demat account. The entire process carried out digitally, through paperless KYC and on simplified platform.
  • As we know, technology is a very essence of Online trading in share market, and Gandharva finchart ensures that its clients served nothing less than best technology. It does understand the importance of timely execution of trade and hence efforts are made to provide best technology. Several other tools are made available such as learning & education, charting, etc to help investors take decision.
  • To simplify each process and timely execution, Gandharva finchart works relentlessly in updating technology and heavily relies on digitisation. In fact, Gandharva finchart has integrated several services on its digital platform for the benefit of investors and make their online trading experience worthwhile.

Why Choose Gandharva finchart as the Best Financial Advisor in India?

  • Investors these days are enticed to trade in equities using online trading platform from the comfort of their home or even while traveling to their workplace. Technological innovations are playing bigger role in helping best Financial Advisor in India, such as Gandharva finchart to serve their clients. The primary objective of online trading platform is to enable Stock traders to delve into investing activity at ease besides helping them use effective tools while keeping the track of their investment.
  • It is well known fact that Stock traders choose an online trading platform offering host of services including advisory services, providing preliminary education about stocks trading, to aligning their investment goals through building portfolio. Many of the above-mentioned factors are directly linked with the Stock traders profile, whether he or she is a fresh trader or beginner, experienced or an expert. Accordingly, he or she will receive a support from the best brokerage firm.
  • Gandharva finchart being a top Financial Advisor in India, is committed to offer best online trading services to its clients. It ensures that the best in class services are available for its clients. Technology plays a bigger role in smooth functioning of the trading platform and seamless execution of trade as well. Strong back support from excellent technology team and the arrangement for quick response to a query, has helped Gandharva finchart to be top choice among investors as well as Stock traders.
  • The advent of technology-based tools and its effective usage has gathered importance given the effective outcome, which is a key component of successful Online trading in stock market. Trading in stocks or for that matter any other securities has become very simple. An investor or Stock trader can buy or sell securities online. Even a fund transfer is done digitally.
  • Gandharva finchart offers several services that makes online trading activity very effective. Be it Trading account opening or Demat account opening, it offers best in class services to its clients. As we know, technology is a very essence of online trading in stock market, and Gandharva finchart ensures that its clients served nothing less than best technology.
  • It does understand the importance of timely execution of trade and hence efforts are made to provide best technology. Several other tools are made available such as learning & education, charting, etc to help investors take decision. There are several services made available for the benefit of investors and make their online trading experience worthwhile.


Trade with our best in class platforms for smooth and trouble free execution. Keep the market on your finger-tips, Experience the Power Platform for advanced traders.

  • Super-fast trading execution with 1-second rate refresh
  • Advanced charting tools
  • Trade guide signal
  • Real time charts with historical data
  • Instant news notifications on stocks and markets.


    FAQs about Best Stock Broker in India

    • Who is the best stock broker in India?

      India’s resurgence stock market activity owes to combination of economic prosperity and various functionaries present in the system who have ensured hassle free participation to every individual. Stock brokers such as Gandharva finchart are at the forefront to enable even a small investor seize the opportunity offered by favourable changes brought in by the regulators and the government. Technology based environment are leading the changes in businesses and delivering technology based, efficient Digital platform is at the core of Gandharva finchart.

    • How should I find the best brokerage firm in India?

      Several Broking units have mushroomed in the recent times through combination of cost effective and advisory services. Selecting a best brokerage among these is a task, but one can select a right option through vetting certain parameters, such as the technology, skill set, advisory services etc. Gandharva finchart is one of the best discount brokerages to package all the services effectively as well as economically.

    • How much return can I expect on the invested stocks?

      A properly researched and analysed stock can yield astronomical returns. However, proper stock selection and determining entry/exit is a skill nurtured over a period. A good advisory service can be a differentiating factor between a successful and an unsuccessful investor.

    Types of Loans


    Our Mission

    At Gandharva Finchart LLP, our mission is to become a globally recognized corporation with a clear and unwavering focus. We strive to earn and maintain our customers' trust by offering services that are both economically and financially advantageous. Additionally, we are dedicated to raising awareness about safe trading and investment practices among our clients worldwide.
